A Glimpse Into My Journey

Below is a list of projects that I have built or contributed to.

Site Labour Forecasting Tool | North American Construction

Managing job sites around North America requires organization and coordination. At NAC, I contributed to a digital pipeline that allows users on-site to enter relevant data and have a dashboard update dynamically.

Technology Covered

Part-Time Instructor | Data Analytic Tools for Business Decision Making

This course focuses on the practical implementation of the ETL process from end-to-end. We cover topics such as data types, how to set up a local database, data transformations/aggregations and best practices in Data Storage.

Technology Covered

COVID-19 Impact Dashboard | Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC)

This reporting mechanics helps manage all reported cases, split between Employees, Students and Faculty and acts as a single view into how the institution is doing.

Technology Used

Clinical Activity Dashboard | CMCC

This dashboard informs the Clinic Management Team of all the experiences across their 7 clinic system. This information is useful for numerous purposes whether it be for managing student experiences or reporting to the board or supporting clinical success.

Technology used

PPE Inventory App | CMCC

A tool used to view current inventory, order more supplies and report the history of each PPE item through a PowerApp embedded in Teams.

Technology used

Twitch Streamer Analytics - Famerly

Developed some of the early data mining scripts based on the Twitch API that involves a scheduled data extraction , retreiving and analyzing collected data and presenting the results in a visualization for consumer use.

Technology Used

Sentiment Analysis on Student Feedback - GCP NLP API

Every year, CMCC sends out an anonymous ‘Exit Interview’ to the graduating class to gather feedback, extract trends among the responses and use the trends to improve the experience each year. This presents an ideal problem for Natural Language Processesing to build ‘themes’ for as we have a dataset of open-text and the need to extract insights about it.

Technology used

Business Intelligence

Scripts to automate error-prone tasks and optimize data processing. These scripts are useful to ensure no human-errors occur on simple, recurring tasks.

Balance Sheet



Financial Summary

Operational Scripts

This repo contains scripts that are meant to improve operational efficiency. These scripts will primarily be written in Python or Excel VBA - Little to No Coding experience is required to run these scripts.

  1. Large File Analysis - Repo
  2. RAC MACRO - POS Auditing
  3. CLR - Audit Script
  4. Extract Clean Data - CLR Column Issue
  5. Top 5 Partner - YTD Report
  6. Monthly YTD Report
  7. Quarterly CLR
  8. Weekly Channel Mapping Report


  1. TXT_to_CSV - Convert TXT files to CSV’s
  2. List directory
  3. Extract CSVs
  4. Flatten a nested list
  5. Expand Rows
  6. Split Large File